RAF Thornaby and 608 Squadron

The gallery consists of around 80 black & white photographs, covering three decades 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. There is a range of images showing 608 Squadron members, at work and in more relaxed settings. There are images of the different planes the crew flew. And some crashes too. 

Each photo has a comments box. If you notice an error, can add more information about a photo or put a name to a face, please comment and your contribution can help enhance the value of the archive.

We hope to build on this collection, so please do get in touch if you would like to contribute photographs and stories pertaining to the 608 Squadron.

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Unknown airmen at Thornaby Aerodrome
Spitfire Mk. 22 with airmen
608 Squadron pilots and Spitfire
608 Squadron
608 Squadron ground crew
Football team
608 Squadron clerks
608 Squadron aircrew and ground crew 1939
William Howard-Davies at Thornaby
Members of 608 Squadron in front of a Hawker Demon
Members of 608 Squadron
608 Squadron Band
showing 73 - 84 of 99 images