Head Wrightson

Dock Gate Launch (Tema)
Dock Gate Launch (Tema)

Date Taken 21 Jul 1965
File Name B6_Hd-Wrightson_225
Negative Ref. B6_Hd-Wrightson_225
Volunteer AM


This shows that when the gate was launched it got stuck on the launch way. I was employed as apprentice shipwright and had made a scale model of the dock gate and then simulated a launch in a large tank. Unfortunately we got it wrong on this occasion. As the tide went out we could see that the gate was well and truly stuck . We stayed and worked all night with jacks and blocks to get the gate back on slipway. The following tide with the assistance of tugs freed the gate and it was towed to Middlesbrough Dock to see what damage had been caused. They were great days . The head of Dock Gate section was Ed Saunderson and the manager was Ken Jacobs Mr R E Surrey

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