44–46 Norton Road
This is a modern two storey building with single storey extensions to side and rear. Brick built of stretchers with mortar bond. Concrete sills and string course. Two storey front building, rendered to north and south elevations as on partly recessed east elevation, has flat felt roof as on extension to south. Rear extension on north side has pitched felt roof. No chimneys visible. Double door with pillars and canopy to east elevation. South elevation has double door with pilasters. Single door to north elevation. West elevation has : three vehicle entrances and a double door. Two vehicle entrances on east elevation separated by pillars.
Two storey building has four bays on east elevation with windows 44 lights on first floor and 5x4 on ground floor all vertical sash. North end of east elevation has full height arched window in recessed section. North elevation has two windows 5 x 4 lights (vertical sash) and three windows of three lights all fixed. West elevation has one, three light double glazed upvc window and four of varying sizes all blocked up. Retaining wall (nine courses of Flemish bond) with iron railings with opening marked by two pillars similar to original at south east corner of the plot. North and south elevations of two storey section have illuminated signs.
Period |
20th Century
( Late 20th century ) |
Listed Status | Not Listed |
Within Stockton Town Centre Conservation Area | No |
Original Building Use |
( Funeral parlour ) |
Current Building Use |
( Funeral parlour ) |
Date of Survey | Mon, 16 Sep 2013 |
44 Norton Road Stockton-on-Tees TS18 2BS
Street View